Feliz Cumpleanos de San Antonio! (part uno)

21 May

It has taken me some time to warm up to it, but let’s just face the facts… I’m twenty two.

No longer the fun loving, free-to-be-irresponsible, young twenty one (not that anyone is ever really allowed to be irresponsible, but if you do something stupid, your age speaks for itself.)  Twenty one is about potential, and promise, and it is as if once you get to twenty two, you’ve already started to descend from your peak. Continue reading

One Fish, Two Fish…

2 Mar

Nothing you do is worth anything until you make something out of it.

Gosh, that is harsh.

I consider myself to be an inquisitive, creative person. Discovering fascinating shapes in clouds and making stories out of them isn’t a challenge; it is a habit. Researching is never a chore; it’s an enjoyable task. However, I am coming to realize that while it is great to do these things, eventually you have to do something about them. Continue reading

I’m a Big Girl… but that doesn’t mean I don’t get “little kid sick”

27 Feb

Remember those good ole days of yesteryear? When you got sick and you weren’t just under the weather, you were completely incapacitated? When you literally could not care for yourself, because the sickness was too much for your small frame to handle?

Oh, I remember them fondly… because it was only a few days ago.

I describe it as being “little kid sick.” “Big kid sick” is just an annoyance; you do not feel well, but you are at least able to function. Although thinking and working is difficult, you don’t feel SO bad that you cannot do it… at the very least, you feel guilty. But there is nothing you can do about it, except grunt through it and try and rest.

But “little kid sick” is a whole different story. You literally cannot think about anything other than feeling better. You have lost control of common bodily functions. You don’t even feel bad about not doing anything…because you physically can’t. Continue reading

Skip Valentine’s… it’s a Decathlon Day

21 Feb

In my opinion, Valentine’s Day is a silly holiday. Studying my fair share of marketing and business, I can usually see right through the advertisements and corporate urgings of chocolate manufacturers and retail stores. But who doesn’t like having an excuse to party? Most of my Valentines gone by were filled with candy, friends, cards, grape juice, gifts and flowers, but rarely a “special boy.” Personally, I think the holiday puts way too much pressure on young men to be ‘perfect’ when really everyone just ought to be themselves.

As the holiday lurched, inquiring minds kept asking what my plans were for Valentine’s Day with ‘Carrots’ and my reoccurring response was always candid- “I really don’t know.” It is not unusual for us to cook a homemade meal, drink wine and eat by candle light outside on my back porch… isn’t that what most people do for Valentine’s Day anyway?

Barely acknowledging the holiday, we took advantage of the Saturday to do many of the activities we have been talking about partaking in for quite some time. This evolved into a day-long decathlon… Continue reading

Certainly, you are uncertain…

8 Feb

You better stop, look around
Here it comes, here comes your nineteenth nervous breakdown

-The Rolling Stones, 19th Nervous Breakdown

I’ve had a number of minor hiccups this week, realizing a sense of anxiety in regards to my future.  What if Singapore doesn’t work out?  The internship I was anticipating finding for the summer in Arts Management in New York is looking dreary… what if I take my last class this summer and graduate in August?  Then where will I go, what will I do, and most importantly, who is covering my insurance? Continue reading

Riding on the wire

28 Jan

Reading an article in Fortune magazine entitled “How to Manage your Business in a Recession” for Strategic Management, it was as if I started to realize that this credit crisis, sub-prime mortgage bust, dramatic recession and all around economic soap opera was a metaphor for my life. But I challenge you not to look at these events as setbacks, but more as prop-ups.

The article articulated that these events are unusual because they have never happened before– at least not to this degree of severity. There is no script, no set of advised, practiced instructions to best handle the situation; we have to learn, we have to be creative, we have to make it up. We are going to make mistakes, but we are going to learn from them. Continue reading

Oh, Say Can You See! (not really… but I was there)

23 Jan

From I have a dream, to pinching yourself, realizing that you are awake.

There was a predicted four million people present, and billions around the world watching the National Mall in Washington D.C. as Barack Obama, the forty fourth President of the United States, recited the oath of office. I was located next to the Washington Monument; If you’re looking at a shot from the Capitol Building, I’m the one slightly to the right of the monument in the black hat… J

Continue reading

Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong…

14 Jan

According to Wikipedia.org…

Murphy’s law is an adage in Western culture that broadly states, “if anything can go wrong, it will.” It is also cited as: “If there’s more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence, then somebody will do it that way”; “Anything that can go wrong, will,” the similar “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong,” or, “Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way.”

In the spirit of this wonderful guarantee, I present to you another great example of this truth in action.

One of my dear friends got engaged, married, and moved within the short amount of time I was in Europe this summer. Her husband is in the military and will be attending Harvard Law next year, so they were not afforded the luxury of time and planning in the matter. Training at Quantico, she lives in the D.C. area. Given the opportunity to attend the inauguration of our forty forth president, it was only logical that Amber and I fly up early to indulge ourselves in some much needed girl time with our newlywed friend Katy. This is a recipe for disaster… and this disaster tastes delicious. Continue reading

Gott Nytt Ar

7 Jan

10… 9… 8…

Where is everybody?!

7… 6…

Hurry! Hurry! Outside- we’ll miss the fireworks!

5… 4…

Slow down- I’m in heels!!

Has anybody seen the Danes?!

3… 2… 1…


(that’s ‘Happy New Year’ in Swedish/Danish)

In the first few moments of 2009, I found myself drowned in a world of glitz, glamour and glitter, surrounded by Scandinavians. Yes, I celebrated New Years Eve with friends from Sweden, Denmark and Norway in Las Vegas. Continue reading

Hey, so, um, would you wanna, um, I dunno… hang out sometime?

13 Dec

You have to have goals; big ones, small ones, fun ones and everything in between. At least I have to- it’s the force that disrupts my inertia and makes my life existentially exciting. Alas, I have sort of been in ‘goal-limbo’ for a while this semester, waiting for something to come up. I knew that before I graduated college, I wanted to go to Colorado and learn how to snowboard. Check. Next was going to see my Nation’s capital. Check. The months that followed were so exciting- Vegas for my twenty-first birthday, Europe all summer- and life happened so fast that I didn’t have the time to formulate and search my heart for the next fun goal. I determined that I need to go to Savannah, Georgia, but there was no immediate urgency in that goal, and I needed something a tad bit more realistic and attainable, yet still challenging. Continue reading